
The Combining Form Hyster/o- Means

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Medical Terminology Combining Forms


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Abdomin/O Belly
acetabul/o acetabulum (hip socket)
Acr/O Extremities, Top, Extreme Point
Acu/O Sharp, Severe, Sudden
Aden/O Gland
adenoid/o Adenoids
Adip/O Fatty
adren/o adrenal glands
adrenal/o adrenal glands
albin/o white
albumino/o albumin (protein)
alges/o, -algesia excessive sensitivity to pain
alveol/o alveolus, air sac
ambly/o dull, dim
Amni/O Amnion (Sac Around Embryo)
Amyl/o Starch
an/o Anus
ana- again, anew
andr/o male
angi/o vessel
anter/o front
aort/o aorta
append/o, appendic/o Appendix
aque/o water
arter/o, arteri/o artery
arthr/o Joint
at/i Nascence
ather/o yellowish plaque
atri/o atrium
Axill/O Armpit
azot/o urea; nitrogen
bacteri/o bacteria
balan/o glans penis
bas/o base of operations
bi/o Life
Bil/i Gall, bile
Bilirubin/o Bilirubin
blephar/o eyelid
bol/o to bandage (throw)
brachi/o arm
bronch/o, bronchi/o, bronchiol/o bronchial tube, Bronchus
bucc/o Cheek
calc/o calcium
calcane/o calcaneus (heal)
calci/o calcium
cali/o, calic/o calyx (calix)
capn/o carbon dioxide
carcin/o Malignant, cancer
cardi/o Heart
carp/o carpals (wrist basic)
caus/o burn, burning
cauter/o oestrus, burn
cec/o Cecum
celi/o Abdomen, abdomen
cephal/o Head
cerebell/o cerebellum
cerebr/o Cerebrum
cervic/o neck, neck
cheil/o Lip
Chem/O Drug/Chemical
Chlorhydr/o Muriatic acid
Chol/east Gall, bile
cholangi/o Gall float vessel
cholecyst/o Gall float
choledoch/o Common bile duct
cholesterol/o cholesterol
chondr/o cartilage
chori/o, chorion/o chorion
chrom/o color
Chron/P Fourth dimension
cib/o Meals
cis/o To cutting
clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
coagul/o clotting
coccyg/o coccyx (tailbone)
col/o, colon/o Colon, large intestine
colp/o vagina
comat/o deep slumber
coni/o Dust
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva
cor/o educatee
corne/o cornea
coron/o middle
cortic/o cortex, outer region
cost/o ribs
crani/o cranium (skull)
crin/o secrete
crin/o To secrete
cry/o cold
catacomb/o hidden
culd/o cul-de-sac
cutane/o pare
cutane/o Skin
cyan/o Blue
cycl/o ciliary torso
cyst/o urinary bladder
cyt/o cell
dacry/o tears, tear duct
dactyl/o Fingers, toes
paring/i Molar
derm/o skin
dermat/o pare
diaphor/o profuse sweating
dipl/o double
dips/o thirst
dist/o far, distant
dors/o back portion of the trunk
duct/o To pb, carry
duoden/o Duodenum
dur/o dura mater
electr/o Electricity
encephal/o encephalon
enter/o Intestines
eosin/o ruddy, dawn, rosy
epididym/o epididymis
epiglott/o Epiglottis
episi/o vulva
erythem/o redness
erythemat/o redness
erythr/o blood-red
esophag/o Esophagus
esthesi/o, -esthesia feeling, nervous awareness
estr/o female
faci/o Face
femor/o femur (thigh bones)
fibul/o fibula (smaller lower leg bone)
flex/o To bend
furc/o Forking, branching
galact/o milk
gastr/o Tum
gingiv/o Gums
glauc/o grayness
gli/o glial cells
glomerul/o glomerulus
gloss/o Tongue
gluc/o, glyc/o, glycos/o sugar, glucose
gn/o Knowledge
gon/o seed
gonad/o sex glands (ovaries, testes)
granul/o granules
gynec/o Woman, Female
hem/o blood
hemat/o blood
hemoglobin/o hemoglobin
hepat/o Liver
hidr/o sweat
hist/o tissue
home/o sameness
hormon/o hormone
humer/o humerus (upper arm os)
hydr/o water, fluid
hyster/o uterus, womb
iatr/o Treatment, Physician
ichthy/o scaly, dry
ile/o Ilium
ili/o ilium (upper office of pelvic bone)
immun/o protection
inguin/o groin
ir/o iris
irid/o iris
is/o same, equal
isch/o to hold back; dorsum
ischi/o ischium (office of pelvic bone)
jejun/o Jejunum
kal/i potassium (an electrolyte)
kary/o nucleus
kerat/o cornea, hard-horney tissue
ket/o; keton/o ketones; acetones
kines/o movement
kyph/o posterior curvature in thoracic region
labi/o Lip
lacrim/o tears
lact/o milk
lamin/o lamina
Lapr/O Abdomen, Abdominal wall
laryng/o larynx, voice box
later/o side
lept/o sparse, slender
leuk/o white
lex/o give-and-take, phrase
lingu/o Tongue
lip/o fat
lith/o stone
lob/o lobe of the lung
log/o Study
lord/o curve
lumb/o loins, lower back
lymph/o lymph
lymphaden/o lymph node
malleol/o malleolus
mamm/o, mast/o chest
mandibul/o mandible (lower jaw bone)
maxill/o maxilla (upper jaw bone)
meat/o meatus
medi/o eye
mediastin/o Mediastinum
melan/o blackness
men/o menses, menstruation
mening/o, meningi/o membranes, meninges
metacarp/o metacarpals (mitt bones)
metatars/o metatarsals (human foot bones)
metr/o uterus
mi/o smaller, less
mon/o i, unmarried
morph/o shape, grade
mort/o Decease
Muc/O Mucus
my/o muscle
myc/o mucus
mydr/o widen, overstate
myel/o Spinal Cord, Os Marrow
myom/o muscle tumor
myx/o mucus
nas/o nose
nat/i birth
natr/o sodium (an electrolyte)
necr/o decease
nect/o To bind, tie, connect
nephr/o kidney
neur/o nervus
neutr/o neutral, Neutrophil (WBC)
noct/o night
norm/o Rule, social club
nucle/o nucleus
nyct/o night
o/o egg
obstetr/o midwife
ocul/o eye
odont/o Tooth
ogli/o scanty
olecran/o olecranon (elbow)
onc/o Tumor
onych/o blast
oophor/o ovary
ophthalm/o eye
opt/o eye, vision
optic/o eye, vision
or/o Mouth
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o testis, testicle
orth/o direct, upright
oste/o bone
ot/O Ear
ov/o egg
ovari/o ovary
ovul/o egg
ox/o Oxygen
palat/o Palate
palpebr/o eyelid
pancreat/o pancreas
papill/o optic disc
parathyroid/o parathyroid gland
patell/o patella (kneecap)
path/o Disease
pector/o chest
ped/o Child
pelv/i pelvis
Pen/i, Phall/i Penis
perine/o perineum
peritone/o Peritoneum
perone/o fibula
phac/o lens of the eye
phag/o consume, swallow
phak/o lens of the middle
phalang/o phalanges (finger, toe basic)
pharyng/o pharynx, throat
Phelb/O Vein
phon/o voice
phor/o to behave
phot/o low-cal
phren/o diaphragm
phys/o growing
phyt/o plant
pil/o hair, hair follicle
pituitar/o pituitary gland; hypophysis
Plas/O Formation, Development
pleur/o Pleura
Pleur/O Pleura
pneum/o, pneumon/o air, lung
poikil/o varied, irregular
pont/o pons
poster/o back, behind
presby/o onetime age
proct/o Anus, rectum
prostat/o prostate gland
Prote/o Poly peptide
proxim/o nearest
psych/o Mind
pub/o pubis
pub/o Pubis
pulmon/o lung
pupill/o educatee
py/o pus
pyel/o renal pelvis
pylor/o Pyloric sphincter
radi/o radius , X-Ray
radicul/o nerve root
rect/o Rectum
ren/o kidney
retin/o retina
rhin/o Olfactory organ
rhythid/o contraction
salping/o fallopian tubes
sarc/o Mankind
scapul/o scapula (shoulder bract)
scler/o sclera (white of the eye)
scoli/o crooked
scot/o darkness
seb/o sebum
sect/o To Cutting
semin/i semen, seed
seps/o Infection
Sial/o Saliva, salivary
sialaden/o Salivary glands
sider/o iron
sigmoid/o Sigmoid colon
sinus/o sinus cavity
somat/o torso
somn/o Sleep
son/o Audio
sperm/o spermatozoa, semen
spher/o earth, round
sphygm/o pulse.
spin/o spine, backbone
spir/o Breathing
splen/o spleen
spondyl/o vertebra
squam/o scale-similar
Staphyl/O Clusters
steat/o fat
Steat/o Fat
ster/o solid structure
stern/o sternum (breastbone)
steth/o chest
stomat/o Mouth
Strept/O Twisted Chains
syncop/o cut off
tars/o tarsals
tax/o guild, coordination
tel/o complete
terat/o monster
test/o testis, testicle
thalam/o thalamus
the/o To put, identify
thec/o sheath (refers to meninges)
thel/o Nipple
thorac/o chest
thromb/o Clot, Clotting
thym/o thymus gland
thyr/o thyroid gland
thyr/o Thyroid gland
thyroid/o thyroid gland
tibi/o tibia (shin bone)
toc/o childbirth
tonsill/o tonsils
height/o Place, position, location
tox/o, toxic/o poison
trache/o trachea, windpipe
tri iii
trich/o hair
trigon/o trigone
uln/o ulna (lower arm bone)
umbilic/o navel, umbilicus
ungu/o blast
ur/o Urinary tract, Urine
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
urin/o urine
uter/o uterus
uve/o uvea
uvul/o Uvula
vag/o vagus nerve
vagin/o vagina
valvul/o, valv/o valve
varic/o varicose veins
vas/o vessel, duct
vascul/o vessel
Ven/O Vein
ven/o, ven/i vein
ventr/o belly side of the body
ventricul/o ventricle
vertebr/o vertebra(e), backbone(s)
vesic/o urinary bladder
viscer/o internal organs
vitre/o glassy
vulv/o vulva
xanth/o yellow
xer/o dry
zo/o animal life

Ms. Jeanetta Mastron

Chemist's shop Technician Teacher

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